Deconfinement and summer vacation: all the info


As you must know, the whole world is currently experiencing very dark days, the darkest in its history for several decades. Indeed, whether we look at the financial and economic context and the repercussions of this international pandemic on them, or at the health side and the number of deaths which is increasing every day… We realize that life does not isn’t all rosy… But let’s talk about things a little more cheerful and joyful, your next summer vacation! Will we have summer vacation? Where can we go on vacation? How will the situation evolve? We tell you everything!

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The current context of the crisis

After the statement on Monday April 13, 2020 by President Mr Emmanuel Macron in France, it was decreed that the deconfinement would begin partially from May 11. However, these are announcements to be taken with a grain of salt, the question of deconfinement being difficult, because it is necessary to deconfine by ensuring that the number of cases of coronavirus does not rise thereafter. Indeed, we must avoid a second wave, all people and all French regions will not necessarily be deconfined at the same time. Older people are encouraged, for example, not to go out into town for several months in order to avoid being contaminated and risking their lives. The same goes for countries!

Indeed, Switzerland has announced that the deconfinement of its inhabitants will begin on April 24, while for some countries such as Denmark, classes have resumed since Tuesday April 14, 2020. In other words, countries are not equal in the face of this health crisis. . Also, some countries have many more cases depending on lifestyle habits, bad practices while some countries have seen their inhabitants self-isolate to avoid this wave of COVID-19 . And it is this point that is worrying for our approaching summer holidays. Why this ? It’s quite simple. You get there !

Destinations for this summer 2020

If the countries are deconfining at different times, this simply means that many borders will remain closed this summer! Already, it has been announced in Germany, for example, that no event or festival will take place before August 31, enough to shatter the dreams of thousands of festival-goers around the world… In France, there will be no event before mid-July, and it’s already far! Indeed, it is a huge shortfall for a large part of the country that lives from tourism. The very famous Festivals of Avignon, old plows and so on, will then not take place…

For your 2020 summer holidays, the borders of many countries will most certainly be closed. As a result, it will mainly be a national holiday for the summer of 2020, it’s a bit like a homecoming, let’s say!

So, which city in your country would you like to visit for your next vacation? In France, we would be tempted to (re)discover Bordeaux , a summer city par excellence!

In any case, we hope to have given you as much information as possible and that your confinement is going well! Good luck and happy future holidays to you!

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